Asphalt plant “Geokop” is 12 km from Derventa and is located next to the main road M17.2 Derventa-Doboj.
Asphalt plant is a plant for the production of asphalt masses the so called asphalt. Asphalt is used for making roads, runways, parked plateau, factory yards and other areas.
The composition of asphalt are used the following materials: Crushed limestone aggregates from quarry Orlovača granulation 0-4, 4-8, 8-16, 16-22 mm, crushed gravel aggregates of Bosnian granulation 0-4, 4-8, 8-16 , 16-22 mm, various types of bitumen (bit. 45, 60, 90, 120, polymer, …), the filler obtained from own production and the so called own filler from pollination systems. Rock flour we produce in our own plant, and extracting raw materials from the site Dažnica.
Mill for production the filler is type of Ivo Lola Ribar, with balls, capacity 8-12 t/h.
We are able to produce a granulation of filler of 0.063-0.09 mm.
Asphalt plant can produce various kinds of asphalt, which is used for paving above the surface:
- BNS 22
- AGNS 22
- BB 4; BB 8; BB 11; BB 16,
- BNHS 16
Type, manufacturer, and specifications
Asphalt plant is manufactured by the company WIBAU (Slovenia), KOVINARSKA Krško (Slovenia), ATMOS Hoče (Slovenia), and rebuilt by the firm SERVICE Strojanšek Jose, sp Krško (Slovenia). Mechanical equipment are mainly produced by the first two listed companies, and partly SERVICE Krško who also made a complete electrical equipment for the management of asphalt plant. The construction company who also participated is WEISHAUPT Germany.
Asphalt plant itself carries the nominal type WSO 130.
WIBAU is a long time manufacturer of asphalt plants in Europe and he is construct the core of this asphalt plant – pillar for mixing.
Kovinarska Krško has developed the dispensers, filler silos, conveyor belts and snails. ATMOS has developed the tank for storage fuel asphalt mass and bitumen storage tanks. Marini has developed kiln drying unit and drying burner is supplied WEISHAUPT Germany. SERVICE Krško is pollinator by filtration and complete electrical equipment and automation control asphalt plant.
Asphalt plant with their equipment has a capacity of 130 t/h asphalt. Production capacity itself depending on the type of asphalt and degree of humidity of aggregate and ranging between 60-70% of the installed capacity of ≈ 100 t/h.